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‘We Are The World; We Are The Future’

Welcome back to Kingdom Agenda!

Previously I shared about the establishment of our Foundation – Basadi Ba Moshito Foundation.  An Organisation focused on the empowerment and assistance of underprivileged women and youths from our community. We are incredibly humbled and blessed to be part of something so impactful. This Foundation is driven by our faith and trust in God, as well as the support and assistance received from collective Organizations and communities at large, that assist us in realizing our Organization’s mission and objectives.

Last week South Africa celebrated our Annual National Youth Day holiday. This day is observed in remembrance of the role played by the youth of South Africa in 1976, during our country’s liberation from the shackles of Apartheid. A celebration of how our past struggles, represent our present triumph. A celebration that holds an integral part in our evolved democracy and a special place in the hearts of many South Africans till today.

Blessed enough to have been born in a democratic era – post Apartheid, I cannot begin to even imagine the intense adversary and difficulties faced by the young activists of 1976. However, what many other individuals, like myself can do is celebrate the victory by celebrating the lives and accomplishments of our unsung heroes and heroines.

Society’s “Foundation” Is Our Youth

We at Basadi Ba Moshito Foundation were honoured to host a campaign that gives the young leaders in our communities a platform, to voice their opinions about leadership and social transformation. We were inspired to host this event- and many more like it in the future- in a way that resembled a panel conference – coining it a Youth Symposium.

I personally believe that all the answers to the questions we have been struggling to make sense of for thousands of years lies in fostering and prioritizing conversations with young adults. Who better to consult with about future concerns, than our future decision makers? Below I have listed 4 ways to help keep a strong connection between society and the youth. Ways we can motivate our young leaders:

1. Communicate Educational/Entrepreneurial Goals To Youth Consistently.

It is important to implement consistent educational programs that assist the youth acquire the tools, knowledge, and skills to build better lives for themselves and their families.

2. Let the Youth take Charge

Coming up with creative ways to gather the opinions of their peers provides a leadership opportunity for youth leaders. Allowing our youth to take the lead encourages strong self-confidence and keen sense of accountability.

3. Touch Base Regularly

Continuous communication is of the utmost importance especially to a group of young, ill equipped individuals who rely on and require constant direction. Below are some more benefits to channels of open communication:

  • Being respected and trusted.
  • To be a part of something, and directly involved in it.
  • Empowerment.
  • Power to make a change, to do something.

4. Promote Gender Equality

It is not just a man’s world. Women, after all, make up half of the population. The rights of women and girls are as equally important, as the rights of men. Promoting gender equality at a young age is pivotal in grooming young leaders and advocating for a more balanced and inclusive society.

We all want to leave a legacy for our children, family, or relatives. A sustainable generational legacy that we are proud of. However, what we fail to see, is that our legacy is not dependent on our efforts but the efforts of those who will continue to cultivate it after our passing. The Youth is our legacy, our generation, are future. The wealth we need to prioritize is not in what we accumulate but rather how we educate and mentor them.

Find us on social:

If you would like to be involved and be a part of any future initiatives, please follow us on all our social media platforms. We love to regularly update and engage the public regarding our programs and campaigns.  If you have been involved in community initiatives and you would like to share them, please do so in the comments section. If you have stories and experiences in ways, you have given back in your community, city, or surroundings, I would love to know about them!

See you next week when we continue to discuss all things Kingdom Agenda related.

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