• Deep Dive

    Debunking Mental Health Myths Pt 4

    We are busting another mental health myth, and this week, rumor has it, that if you suffer from a mental illness, you can never be cured from it. Myth: Mental illness is incurable. Fact: With the right kind of help, treated appropriately and diagnosed early, most people recover fully from mental illness. For others, challenges with mental illness may be a reoccurrence throughout their lives, and may require ongoing treatment. This is the same as many physical illnesses, such as diabetes or heart disease. Like most chronic illnesses, mental illness can be managed so that individuals live life to the…

  • Deep Dive

    Debunking Mental Health Myths Pt 3

    Another week, another myth buster! Mental health is often misunderstood and stigmatized. As a result I felt it was important to debunk common mental health myths and counter these myths with facts. This week we are addressing the misconception that…

  • Deep Dive

    Debunking Mental Health Myths Pt 1

    This month we are tackling mental health myths. These are assumptions and conclusions that have been passed down for so long that they are perceived to be true. As someone who struggled with severe mental challenges, I had no idea…

  • Deep Dive

    How Do You Know If You Are Paranoid?

    We have probably all heard of the term ‘paranoia’. It is quite a common word referenced in pop culture- mentioned in some of the trendy songs we sing along to or ignorantly used in everyday conversations to loosely describe an…

  • Deep Dive

    How To Manage Panic Attacks

    I will never forget my very first severe panic attack. I was sitting in my room recovering from a massive hangover, when suddenly, my heart started beating incredibly fast. I had the worst case of cotton mouth, my hands became…

  • Deep Dive

    3 Ways To Calm Your Anxiety

    I’ve always been an anxious person without knowing I had anxiety. I concluded that I just had a weird quirk and was extremely anti-social but I never presumed I struggled from anxiety disorder. However years later I know see that…

  • Deep Dive

    What Is Your Vice??

    My 6th birthday. The year I received my very first book as a birthday present. This was possibly one of the greatest gifts I have ever received because, from that gift, my love for fiction was born. Make-believe became my…

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