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Temple Fitness

Remember Your Sip Of Life

Hello There!

Happy to welcome you back, glad I did not bore you to death just yet 😊.

Last week we discussed the first step in adopting a healthy lifestyle and how this is truly attainable through a change in our mindsets. We discovered the importance of a wholistic wellness approach that transforms your mind, body, and soul. In implementing a shift in mindset, you will gradually notice the outward change.

This week I would like to share one of the changes I implemented that has truly proven to be effective and incredibly beneficial to my wellness approach. It may sound overrated, and a bit obvious but sufficient water consumption is VERY important for various functions.

Below I have listed the different ways that consistent water intake has benefited me in the past months, I hope these tips can be beneficial to you!

Benefits Of Making H20 Your Best Friend

I cannot stress this enough, water is life…literally!!

Keeping Track

I recently compiled a water chart with x 8 tick boxes to keep track of the medically stipulated water intake method of x 8 glasses (2lt) and put it up on the fridge. I find this to be a better option in reminding me instead of only relying on the water consumption app on my phone because its right in front of the place we frequent quite often 🤭…am I right? It also makes it easier for you to just quickly pour a glass, without constantly putting it off.

If you’re always on the move, I encourage the reader to get a 2lt water bottle and nothing smaller. The bottle size helps motivate you to drink your full 8 glasses while on the go, and the frequent bathroom visits are a win in adding up your step count! 😬

Weight Loss

A lot of water intake also fills your stomach and suppresses your appetite significantly. If you are trying to reduce the number of meals you have a day, I would encourage drinking at least 500 ml of water before every meal. Doing this consistently will aid in shedding a few pounds overtime.

Water Flushes Out The Toxins

Sufficient water consumption assists the kidneys to get rid of certain waste products. If you do not drink enough water, your kidneys do not have the fluid they need to properly rid waste. It is said that the clear color of your urine is an indication of how much water you are drinking. So yellow in this case is not so sunny! 😊

 Improves Digestive Functions

This might not be a very popular subject, I for one am not a fan, of all thing’s bowel related (eeewww lol), BUT it is a very important bodily function. Drinking plenty of water helps food pass smoothly through our intestines preventing constipation. The key to digestive health is keeping hydrated. However, if like me you firmly believe that a lady was created perfectly with no need to secrete any form of waste than the above is just a formality 😊.

Water Gives Us Energy

Water is an energy booster. Increasing our water intake helps improve our mood and give us more energy. When we are dehydrated, we automatically become weaker and feel far less inclined to be productive in anyway. A decrease in our energy levels makes us more susceptible to becoming a lot more moody or cranky, and ladies we really do not need more fuel added to our mood meter, I think our gentlemen would agree.

Water is far more essential than we really understood, and, implementing these changes has brought about some huge changes in my mind, body, and health. It is a gradual journey so do not be too hard on yourselves starting off, it took me sometime too, just stay true to your commitment and the momentum will keep going.

Every sip is an accomplishment so get to drinking!

See you next week where I will be sharing more health and wellness recommendations that worked for me.

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