Invaluable Grace- Podcast Image
Something for everyone

Real Talk Inspiration

I love learning. Discovering new things is a favorite past time of mine. Learning the ways of society, culture, the human psyche, and history are topics that have me enthralled. This section of the blog will be about sharing links to some of my favorite podcasts on various interesting and beneficial topics. There’s something about listening in on conversations, that makes you feel like you’re a part of the discussion 😂 I’ll be sharing some of my favorite conversations with you weekly, I hope you’ll find one that resonates with you 😃

Unpacking The Layers of Wisdom

What’s the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom? Knowledge is gaining more understanding, and with everything we have access to in this age makes it very easily attainable if the desire to know more is there.

Wisdom is applying knowledge through sound judgment, experience, and insight. Wisdom requires a change in mindset, and your reasoning capabilities. Wisdom is portrayed from an understanding and reasoning far beyond what is easily seen.

The best description of wisdom that I discovered in my quest for more knowledge brought me to the bible project podcast. This podcast is nothing short of amazing. It brings about the truths and explanations of the bible in quick, relatable ways that are engaging and easily understood to the audience.

I will be posting quite a few of their podcasts over time but for the next few weeks we will be looking at what biblical wisdom really means.

Wisdom books- Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job

What I find intriguing about the depth in meaning through these books is that even though they were written thousands of years ago, they are still relatable and applicable in today’s day to day living. We are all trying to figure out what living “your best life” really looks like and these 3 books uncover these meanings beautifully in also providing the solution.

Theses 3 books bring a more realistic take on life. Identifying the very real problems and social injustices faced and experienced by all, that evoke questions that we have all asked at some points in our life. The most asked question being- Where is God when all these terrible things happen?

We will start of with the introduction to wisdom literature and gradually journey through the various discoveries of wisdom in all its complexities.

Let us hear what Tim and Jon will be discussing on wisdom…

Join me next week for a continuation of this profound discussion on wisdom.

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