Deep Dive

Low-Self Esteem Copying Hacks!

As someone who continues to struggle with feelings of low self-esteem and self-worth, I say this honestly, these emotions don’t completely go away. There really isn’t a formula to overnight confidence especially if years of unworthiness have been your norm. As part of my mental healing journey, I have come to terms with certain truths and realizations and one of them is the fact that part of managing low self-esteem has a lot more to do with how you increase your sense of self-worth. Essentially with any negative attribute or trait the success of countering it lies in building a positive trait up rather than trying to eliminate the negative one completely.

Coming to terms with this truth removes the unnecessary burdens we place on ourselves to conform or transform rapidly. I realized that one of my many triggers for feeling worthless was because I had not made peace with myself. I viewed my past mistakes and flaws as irreversible and unforgivable, which had me on a never-ending rollercoaster of carrying unnecessary guilt and deeper feelings of worthlessness.

There are many tips on how to manage low self-esteem however today I would like to highlight a tip I believe is very underrated but immensely important. This tip lies in forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Once you have come to peace with this truth you learn to give yourself a little more grace daily. In learning this my self-worth has increased daily and as a result my confidence too.

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