Invaluable Grace- Purpose Image
Purpose Bound

Individual Stories Are Shared Destinations

Welcome back to the 3rd week on our journey to discovering purpose. In my last post, I shared my insights on the value of becoming a problem solver, and how using our unique skillsets to find solutions to these problems, makes us indispensable and generates wealth.

This week I was motivated to speak on purpose a little differently.  Over the next couple of months, I would like to share the stories of people I admire. People who have amazing stories to share about their journey to purpose.

This week we’ll be sharing the beautiful story of a remarkable woman, who through faith, resilience and perseverance overcame the odds and achieved her dreams.  I was inspired to share her story not only because it is an inspirational success story, but to encourage anyone reading her story. Our circumstances do not define us, we decide who we want to be, and with determination we can be that person.

She Conquered The Storm.

Storm Makanza (yep, her name is also awesome) is the epitome of what an all-encompassing woman is made up of. Mother, Sister, Daughter, Events Specialist, Blogger, Author (in the works), Story Teller and the latest addition, holder of a BCom in Marketing and Management Science Degree, she just defines the term ‘Wonder Women’. Both working in the Hospitality Industry, the gorgeous Storm and I, met at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Rosebank in 2015. I was a Reservationist at the time, and she just recently came on board as the Conference & Events Manager at the hotel, and we just hit it off straight away!

Storm’s journey in Hospitality started off as a Telesales coordinator at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe. Two years later she moved to Kimberly South Africa as a Banqueting Coordinator. Fast forward to 10 years later and she is now a renowned Events Manager at one of the most prestigious 5 Star hotels in Johannesburg!

In her late teens she suffered from ovarian cysts and was told by doctors that she would not conceive children naturally. 2 miscarriages later she was blessed with the most gorgeous little man- truly no bias, he is the cutest ever!

The year she decided to further her studies at The Institute of Marketing Management SA, she suffered her second miscarriage. What she did not anticipate however, was falling pregnant not too long after her loss, and that God would give her a little angel – beautiful Ayden her little miracle baby!

As overjoyed as she was, the fears of falling pregnant while simultaneously trying to manage a degree, began to overwhelm her. She would joke about often feeling like a teenager who just fell pregnant before matric, evoking all sorts of mixed emotions within her. She stands today however, with her greatest blessing, Ayden right beside her as she attends her graduation ceremony. After four long and difficult years, she is an IMM graduate, with a BCOM Marketing degree under her belt.

A Story Worth Telling

This week’s post is to encourage all the Storm’s of the world, and those who may relate in some way or another to not loose hope or feel overwhelmed by the difficult season you are living through right now. Every tear, every struggle, and obstacle are an opportunity for your faith to be activated, allowing God to do what He does best- work all things out for your good and make the impossible, possible.

Let this story motivate and inspire you to keep going. You have no idea the things God has in store for your life. All you need to do is trust Him.

If you would like to follow and know more about who Storm is and her personal journey through life, follow her on her social platforms and check out the Storm spot- her personal Blog! It is worth the read.

Facebook –          @stormsspot

Instagram –         @stormsspot 

Storm Makanza- She Conquered The Storm

“I am here to tell you that God is a God of surprises, his timing is perfect. It is not through our own intelligence that all things are made beautiful, but it is through his Grace and Mercy.” Storm Makanza


  • Storm

    Ooohhh Karabo. I am a woman of many words but I must say for once I am at a loss for words. To be honored in such beauty is just so humbling to say the least. My life’s goal is to inspire people through my winning stories and seeing you lay out one of my most important chapters in such a lovely flow of writing is just everything. Thank you Karabo and may God Bless your hands to write more and more, and may he continue to enlighten your mind😇

    • Ambassador of Grace

      Aaaaah Stormie, thank you so much for your kind words. I am inspired to write about inspiring poeple,and to be able to do this brings me immense fulfillment. Thank you for giving me the privildge to write your incredible story. God bless 🙂

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