Invaluable Grace- A Life Renewed By Grace
Something for everyone

Hip Hip Hooray


Welcome back to this week’s childish discovery.

This week was about all things birthday!  One of my chickens turned 9!!  Nothing lets out your inner child, like a birthday party.

Because of COVID, last year had us celebrating her special day indoors, so it was only fitting that we did things right this year!

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Like any 9-year-old she heard we were planning this for her, and she took it upon herself to come up with the theme, venue, menu, and guest list. All we are expected to do is show up and pay the bill. She is a very artistic little girl who loves to dance, stretch, and practice her splits when the whim takes her (Often right in front of the TV – while we’re watching! 🤦🏽‍♀️) so naturally her birthday theme had to be gymnastics. For a good week we were educated on how amazingly talented Simon Bile is ( Famous American Gymnast) and how she wants to be like her when she grows up. (P.S I remained utterly clueless throughout this entire lesson and still am really)

This week’s lesson in learning from our little rascals, is to trust their judgment and decision making. It’s not always easy but allowing them to take the lead, from time to time, can be a great trust exercise. Their judgment is downright childish! However, children are remarkable human beings who are just full of surprises. Their tendency to just go with the first thing that comes to mind and their confidence in executing it speaks to their complete trust in their abilities.

I cannot tell you how stressful and frustrating it was for my sister to “go with the flow” and trust that her daughter will come up with ideas that are suitable to her expectations, but she conceded and as a result was pleasantly surprised with how everything came together in the end. It was an incredibly special day, with lots of laughter and love.  

I think it is very important to loosen the reigns now and then. just a little though not too much 😊. Do not get me wrong, parents ultimately know what is best in most situations, but maybe the bigger lesson, is knowing to pick your battles. Sometimes it is better to let her wear that dress to school even though you told her not, sometimes its okay to have him eat one more slice of cake even though you know he had enough. The lesson is often two-fold, we learn to give them more confidence in their independent thinking and reasoning and we save ourselves the hassle of getting worked up.

My Absolute Favorite…Colour

Chicken 1:  Used to be pink but now its purple. 🤨

Chicken 2:  Used to be purple and pink but now its blue. 🙄

Aunty Abo (That is me by the way): Purple and pink. 😌

Share the fun!

Join me next week and see what other fun, hair pulling but insightful activities we get up to. There is no limit to the different ways we can learn from being like children!

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Throwback To Her Less Sassy Days 😢
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