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Something for everyone

It Isn’t Always About You

Covid 19 shook the world and brought about immense changes in all our lives. Many lost their lives, loved ones, jobs and financial stability. The one thing we all had in common, was the fact that life as we knew it changed drastically, and we had to adapt amidst a very difficult global situation.

One of the biggest ways I was personally affected was in losing my job and later contracting the virus. Its amazing that through God’s Grace, a time that was meant to leave me feeling depressed and dejected, turned into a time of hope and reflection. My family & I started thinking at length about our place in the world, and how we could be used to make a difference, especially at a time of such great distress.

This was the turning point of our lives; our agenda became others and their wellbeing. Instead of focusing on how much we’d lost and gone through, we were compelled to think about all that we could do for others in desperate need of hope.

If you are reading this and feel as though you are in a pit. I want to assure you, there is always someone going through something worse than you. Knowing this is not meant to trivialize the reality of your own personal hell, it just helps give one perspective. Sometimes the best way to get out of a pit, is to stretch out a hand. Being there for someone in need can be more rewarding and uplifting than you can imagine.

The Fathers Table- Christmas Lunch for the Homeless

We were firstly inspired to plan and host a Christmas lunch for the homeless in collaboration with Centurion Haven of Hope, a homeless shelter in Centurion, Pretoria, during December 2020. The event hosted 150 homeless people as honored guests where the community and members of society generously donated new pairs of socks, packs of underwear, personal care for women, men, and children (roll on, deodorants, lotions, and soaps) and children’s toys for the Christmas Hampers. In addition to receiving Christmas Hampers, the guests were treated to a delicious meal, while seated as VIPs at a festively set table.  The event was a great way to get the community to band together and show love and kindness amidst a difficult socio-economic period. A true reflection of what can be achieved when humanity comes together.

The Father’s Table Christmas Lunch

Think of the ways you can make a difference; it doesn’t have to be a grand and extravagant gesture. No act of kindness is ever too small.

Tune in next week for more heart-warming community initiatives, and how you can be a part of something special and selfless.

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