Deep Dive

Grace, Our Divine Helper!

Hello! It’s been quite the hiatus, but I am back and ready to dive back into more deep thinking.

Grace the biblical definitionunmerited divine assistance, given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification: a virtue coming from God: a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance.

Personally, two things stand out from this definition: unmerited– meaning undeserving and assistance– meaning I CANNOT do anything without the divine help of God.

Humans have the misguided belief that we are self-made, that works, and smarts determine our success and how far we get in life. However, this definition challenges that belief system completely. If we cannot earn divine favor or assistance from God, then this means we don’t need to work tirelessly for inconsistent worldly validation. Proverbs 3: 5-6, Romans 12: 2

This is GOOD NEWS especially for those of us LIKE ME who are worn out by the expectations of society and the continuous immeasurable standards that are set. If we can get help from a divine source (A source that is not constrained by worldly systems and measures but originates outside of it) that means, we could be indescribable – think of it like a superpower. John 14:26

Our abilities are limited to our finite strength and knowledge. But when we come to understand and know that infinite wisdom to do life the right way (to be productive, impactful, fruitful and be balanced without burning out) is attainable when it comes from an infinite being.  Knowledge of this kind of wisdom, once embraced and applied, can make feelings of hopelessness a thing of the past. Once we begin to tap into the unmerited assistance from an all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful God, your abilities become limitless. Ephesians 1:18-19

In today’s post I would like to delve in a little further into the assistance part of Divine Grace and unpack my experience with it.


My morning generally begins around 5h00 am. I used to battle with sleep (insomnia) and I was wide awake before the sun came up. However, over the last two years my sleeping patterns have improved dramatically, I am able to sleep a lot longer and more peacefully, but still up at 05h00, like clockwork.

So, at 05h00 AM my eyes burst open, and after being flooded with a million thoughts, I feel a deep urge to give gratitude to God. At first, the urge is submerged under all the other things in my mind, and I find myself shuffling through all the distractions, until eventually, I’m back to the initial desire to say thank you. In my mental tug of war, gratitude prevails. So, I proceed to thank God for the day, and this posture of gratitude is a precursor for a lengthier conversation with my maker.

I am out of bed and compelled to make sure the house is in order. I say the word compelled because, if you knew me 3 years ago, you would know I was possibly one of the laziest person to ever exist.  I had absolutely no sense of urgency, and anything around me was inconsequential, whether clean or dirty it didn’t matter much to me, unless I had no other choice but to get rid of the dirty dishes in the sink. Fast-forward to now and everything, and I mean everything in sight, is in serious need of a scrubbing, tidying, wiping, washing…you get the point.

So, my day commences with a good cleaning of the house and making sure everything is in its place. I then continue the day by finding time alone, to sit and study the Word of God. Don’t get me wrong, that part of the day isn’t the part I do easily, it’s not the thing at the top of my list that I willingly want to do. However, I’ve come to understand that no matter how difficult it is to find the time to study the word, this part of the day is necessary for daily holistic effectiveness. Psalm 119:105

I am intentional about getting to know God a little more every day, and hopefully apply some of the teachings on a day-to-day basis. I admit the application part is possibly the most difficult, I rarely get it right, however this notion keeps me seeking perfection rather than giving into resignation.

It’s now midmorning and I need to get ready for the day. As a co-founder and marketing director to a non-profit organisation I am very involved in the day-to-day running and operations of our Organisation. To avoid boring you with an intense play by play of what we do, my role specifically is to market the organisation ( a two man department at this stage) and this is a full time job. Over and above the marketing, we provide spiritual upliftment through daily devotion and bible teaching to the individuals who benefit from our organisations programs.

I also recently established a digital marketing agency, a fully run Business, also a big undertaking. Over and above all of this I still must make time to spend with my family,  as well as some me time (which is very important). I also try incorporating physical exercise to help maintain a healthy lifestyle, while still being present for friends and employees who may need a listening ear or helping hand. I also find the time to record motivational videos for my YouTube channel as consistently as possible and rounding it up I am starting to write again…pheeww that gave me whiplash, it’s a lot.

Now the point of this whole spiel ( I know your thinking it) is that everything I have just listed sounds near impossible to accomplish on a good day let alone daily. All the above, I am able to do through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 3:16

I never envisioned that any of this could have been attainable, I saw some of the things I do, as things only capable by other people, never for me. It wasn’t after I came into the knowledge and experience of DIVINE GRACE that I was able to tap into the assistance side of it- my divine helper (the Holy Spirit).

None of the things that I accomplish daily are done in my own strength. I would burn out a lot quicker just thinking of doing half of them on my own, then actually doing them with God’s empowerment. There is absolutely nothing special about me; I have zero credentials or accolades, not even crazy wealth to help set me up in any way. I am just an ordinary girl who is able to do extra ordinary things, because of an out of this world God. Philippians 4: 13

He is the spinach to my Popeye, enabling me to do exceedingly abundantly more than I could have ever imagined, and that kind of strength is available to you too, FOR FREE! Isaiah 55:1

We were not created to do this thing called life on our own. We’ve heard it said, man is not an island, we need one another to feel motivated, encouraged, learn responsibility and accountability. We need all of this and much more from the One who created us. You become enabled to make better choices when you recognize your limitations and learn to trust the Spirit to lead you to greater heights. Proverbs 27:17

Let todays post encourage you to stop seeking mediocracy but to rather seek to thrive, succeed and excel through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, and God’s unlimited supply of Grace.

Heaven is rooting for you, thank Jesus for His gift of Grace! Ephesians 2:10 , Romans 8:28

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