Deep Dive,  Purpose Bound

Getting In your head? Start planning!

It has been said that humans are creatures of habit, and while we like moments of spontaneity and surprise, we still feel comfortable when we know what to expect and can follow a plan or schedule. I have never been one for a rigorous routine. I would wake up in the morning and go with the flow. Reading was my only real priority, and preferably isolation, everything in between just sort of happened, it was never part of my ‘plan’. It goes without saying that life on this side of my healing journey is quite the opposite. Not only am I far more structured and organized in my day to day, but I live life based on a plan or checklist and I must say, this has really helped me manage unexpected mental dips and improve my self-esteem.

Designing and adhering to a well-structured daily routine can help you be more productive and accomplished, helping you to feel happier overall. Below are a few ways in which routines are important:

1. They create structure: A good personal routine brings structure to our lives and provides the framework in how we conduct ourselves daily, allowing us to experience a flow to our day.

2. They give us a sense of accomplishment: Routines typically have a beginning and an end, and we plan our day and time around being able to prioritize them and accomplish the most important tasks of the day for ourselves and our families.

3. They let people around us know how we are doing: Routines also are indications to people around us of how we are doing. With no routine, there are a lot of unknowns that can cause concern or anxiety.

4. Helps us reach our goals: Our aspirations and life goals are rarely achieved in an instant. By creating and then sticking to a routine that is in line with your goals, you are more likely to achieve these goals when you are consistent.

It’s important to understand that your routine should be unique to you. How you live your life determines how your routine is implemented. It’s also perfectly OK to schedule time to do nothing at all. The whole point is that you’ve given it some thought and are conscious of your choices. Having a routine is nothing more than making a conscious decision to live your life in a balanced way by practicing healthy repetition. It is one of the most important factors in achieving success and happiness.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you stray from your routine at times. Remember that things don’t always go to plan! So, give yourself some wiggle room, be flexible and adjust your schedule when needed. We are all unique, with different objectives, wants, aspirations, and life goals.…/why-routines…

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