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Deep Dive

Everything In It’s Time

A Crisis Is A Temporary Season

For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvestEcclesiastes 3:1-8

Welcome back to Arise! I hope last week’s discussion on addiction and the ways to overcome it, were beneficial to you or someone you may know, struggling with addiction.

This week I would like to dissect and discuss the term crisis, and its impact on all of us. A crisis is defined as a time of intense difficulty we have no control over. An overwhelming time that we never see coming, that throws us off completely. A crisis can force us to make decisions we never thought we’d make, life changing decisions with permanent repercussions.

I think we have all lived through a crisis at some point in our lives. A time where we thought we could never live through or overcome. A period that completely stripped us of our control. Where every solution we tried to come up with fell through. I have experienced many moments of crisis in my life, we all have, but I think the most prevalent, is the global crisis we’re all living through now, the COVID – 19 Pandemic. This period has taken our perception of normal and flipped it on it’s head. It felt like the disease came out of nowhere, spread like wildfire and we were all forced to sink or swim.  We have all had to re-adjust to this season with extreme difficulty.

This post is to convey that no matter the struggle and hardship it is important to remember that nothing is permanent. There is a season for every circumstance and situation (A time for everything) and every season comes with a specific lesson and a solution.  

Moments of crisis are extremely trying; it can be very difficult to see them as moments of opportunity. However, I believe that in moments of crisis, we can also find opportunities. It’s important not to miss it. Below are some of the opportunities that a crisis can present us:

Finding Opportunities Within A Crisis

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” – 2 Corinthians 4:8

  • Seasons of Crisis Guarantee Change. “The only thing constant in life is change” after every season I have experienced I have never been the same. The changes may have been indistinct at times, but a shift in mindset and attitude was consciously or subconsciously adopted. There is no better time to take stock and introspect than within a crisis. The result of this introspection is often the catalyst of the change.
  • Seasons of Crisis Indirectly Give Us Hope. Let’s face it, when we’ve hit rock bottom, we are forced to look up. During a crisis, our ability to survive the crisis, hinges on our ability to remain hopeful during great difficulty.  This hope mentally prepares us and gives us the incentive to plan, and fight to overcome.
  • Seasons of Crisis are Temporary. This is extremely reassuring. During a crisis, understanding and believing that nothing lasts for ever is easier said than done, however, quickly accepting this fact can help us navigate through a crisis with more ease. The truth is every season comes to end.  Learning to embrace a difficult season because it did not come to stay but rather to pass helps us remain hopeful. This knowledge helps you identify what solutions and actions are necessary and what solutions are not. It is very important not to make a permanent decision in response to a temporary season.
  • The Key to Life is Outlasting the Season of Crisis. When all you want to do is bury your head in the sand, the last thing you want to entertain is living through another misery filled day. Outlasting a trying time means you overcame. There is nothing more courageous and inspiring than living to tell the tale of an extremely difficult period. Don’t give up the fight, don’t let the time of crisis take over.
  • Seasons of Crisis Force Development. We often do not think we need to change until we are forced to. My life is case in point of this. A crisis motivated me to change several unsavory habits and foster a new mindset. A season of crisis validates that we have the willpower and conviction to do what we often tell ourselves we cannot. It proves that change is attainable, and that regardless of how long we have associated ourselves with a specific label, term, or identity we have the capability to change, and adapt. Sometime crisis is just the incentive we need to make the necessary changes.

Beyond The Clouds Look For A Rainbow

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

I would like to encourage the Reader to not feel dismayed or hopeless in a season of crisis. Rather let this be the time that we activate our Faith and Rejoice in the notion that it passes.

The ultimate remedy to outlasting a season of crisis is our Faith. Believing during winter that summer is coming is how you overcome a crisis. Let us tackle this season with courage in knowing that another day is on the horizon and joy comes in the morning.

Pop back in next week to discover more inspiring ways to ARISE.

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