Invaluable Grace- Inner Child Image
Something for everyone

Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously…Play a Little.

It has been said plenty, “find you inner child” but I do not think we truly understand how admirable children really are.

Not only are they resilient but their carefree take on life is so refreshing and enduring, it makes us constantly reminisce on our youthful days.

I haven’t been blessed with children of my own at this stage, however I am incredibly blessed and humbled to be an aunt to two amazing beauties.  My 2 little chickens – my cute nickname for them, are a true blessing from God. Their purity and fresh perspective of life, makes me yearn to be a child again, reminding me every so often how beautiful the world can look through the eyes of a child.

There is a lot we can learn from these little ones, especially at the foundation phase of their growth. Because of how young and inexperienced they are, we often take for granted the values and principals we can adopt from children. We get so lost in our adult minds that, the little things seem too insignificant to count, and the big things are made bigger than they really are. Living life through the eyes of a child can teach us a lot about freedom and bottomless joy. It may require that we take our adult hats off for a bit to truly enjoy the childlike experience. However, if the time I spent with my chickens is anything to go by, the shift will be well worth it.

Here are some of the lessons I’ve learnt through my interaction with my nieces:

  • Honesty- children make telling the truth seem effortless. To a child it’s black or white, no greys and no shame.  They reveal to us that we do not have to embellish the truth, it is what is. Sometimes their candid responses are exactly what needs to be heard. The truth will set you free 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️.
  • Resilience– Nothing can keep a child down. I like to call my nieces, the bounce back team. No matter how challenging, or painful a situation is, they always bounce back. It may be after some tears, a tantrum or some quite time, but they don’t stay down for long.  Kids keep it moving. Such an admirable quality, one we as adults should strive to emulate.
  • Unconditional love– A child’s love is quite possibly the purest and most honest form of love. There are no restrictions to this love, it is given freely and quite abundantly, regardless of race, culture, gender or background. I think a child’s love is the closest we can ever come to the type of love Christ commanded us to give. Unconditional, forgiving, patient (sometimes lol), kind and pure. Imagine the kind of world we would be living in if we took the lead of love from these pint-sized angles.
  • Carefree nature– What I would do to be as nonchalant and happy- go lucky as a child. Children have no worries or stress AT ALL! The peace that comes with the knowledge that someone else has got every aspect of your life is unapparelled- hence the levels of chill. The lesson here is also to learn to keep it light. Not everything needs to work us up especially when we have zero solutions to the problem. If we learn to understand that just like children, God is solely responsible for our wellbeing, we’d be as carefree as they are.  

Let’s Be Childish

There is a lot we can take away from our interaction with these little teachers. The key is to make the time to let your hair down and learn. Not only can it be loads of fun, but Its sure to be a memorable experience. Let’s learn to live a little childishly 🤪.

Loom Band Mania!

My Chickens

I may be far behind this jewelry making trend, but for the past 2 weeks, I have been taught how to make colorful loom bands. We have been finding different and creative ways to make them stylish, we even personalized some with different ornaments for a standout look.

Learning the ropes was not easy, but with a dedicated and enthusiastic 9-year-old as your tutor you cannot go wrong. I highly recommend getting a box of these crafty bands, not only are they affordable, but very engaging and oddly therapeutic. A few numb fingers but the payoff is defiantly worth it.  

DIY Loom Band Tutorial

Over the following weeks, I’ll be sharing some of the fun activities my nieces and I enjoy doing together. With them in the driver’s seat, I’ll take you on an exciting activity adventure, which promises to be colorful, messy, and educational. Try keep up, these busy bees wait for no one 😂.

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