Deep Dive

Debunking Mental Health Myths Pt 4

We are busting another mental health myth, and this week, rumor has it, that if you suffer from a mental illness, you can never be cured from it.

Mental illness is incurable.

With the right kind of help, treated appropriately and diagnosed early, most people recover fully from mental illness. For others, challenges with mental illness may be a reoccurrence throughout their lives, and may require ongoing treatment. This is the same as many physical illnesses, such as diabetes or heart disease. Like most chronic illnesses, mental illness can be managed so that individuals live life to the fullest..

Well, I am here to tell you that this is simply not true. I stand as a testimony in debunking this very myth.

I’m of the view that whoever started this particular myth, might have suffered from a mental illness themselves, because I can tell you without a doubt, that when experiencing a severe mental dip, it truly feels like it will never come to an end. However, in that state, our minds are very fragile and volatile. As real as these feelings may seem in the moment, the intensity of your hopelessness does lessen, and will pass after some time.

In some cases, some mental illness may not be completely curable, however people with mental health conditions can recover. Recovery means experiencing relief from symptoms, and living happy and satisfying lives, while managing the condition.

Like any other illness, if given the right treatment and care, healing is possible. You just need to believe it.

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