Deep Dive

Debunking Mental Health Myths Pt 2

We are still debunking myths, and this week we are addressing the misconception that people who suffer from mental illness have a low IQ.

If a person has a mental health condition, it means the person has a low intelligence level.

Mental illness, like physical illness, can affect anyone regardless of intelligence, social class, or income level.

We live in a world where accolades and successes are measured by intellect, achievements and accelerated productivity. As a result, society is not very patient or tolerant of mentally challenged individuals who have very little control over their day-to-day functioning and interactions. These people are then perceived as slow or incompetent, because they often battle to meet deadlines, as a result of the state of their mental health.

One of my greatest insecurities was in the ‘smarts’ category. Being surrounded by very intelligent people most of my life, I never believed I measured up to their level and continuously doubted my capabilities. My broken mind didn’t help matters at all. If anything, it validated my inadequacies.

Now, being on the other side of this mental journey, I see that it was all a deception amplified by an already fragile insecure mind.

Yes, I may not necessarily be book smart, but I have now seen that I am incredibly gifted in other areas, and I excel and flourish at these.

We are all carrying greatness that cannot be measured by an IQ rating or social standards. Regardless of how debilitating your mental illness may be, you are built to thrive, remember that!

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