Invaluable Grace- Purpose Image
Purpose Bound

Be The Solution

Thank you for joining me again. Last week I shared how true purpose can be found in answering questions about our gifts, past experiences, and what we’re passionate about. Answering these questions challenges us to a moment of sincere introspection. It’s not the easiest exercise, but very necessary in getting down to the crux of why we are here.

This week I would like to discuss how our purpose is often the answer to a solution of an existing problem. To find out what your God given purpose is you need to identify what problems are surrounding you and how, with the capabilities and skills you were given, you can be part of the solution.

Becoming A Problem Solver

Without even knowing it, each of us in our unique make up, are a solution to someone else’s problem. Every generation is faced with a different set of problems. Generations before ours faced different challenges to the issues we are faced with today, and our children and their children, will be met with a different set of circumstances that they will need to overcome. Each of us are created to play a role in being the solution to the problems faced by our respective generations.

It’s important to understand, that as liberating as it may feel to finally discover what your purpose is, it’s not meant to benefit you. In every generation Its about utilizing our skill set for the benefit of others. To be the solution that will serve the generation you were born into.

So, if you’re the solution meant to benefit so many others, how will you be impacted- what’s in it for you?

Below are some of the benefits of being the solution:

  • Solving A Problem Makes Us Valuable

We are all necessary to one another, we need what we all carry. Human nature dictates acknowledgment, and nothing makes us feel more worthy than being valuable. Solving a problem makes you valuable. When you can present an idea and concept to a person who wants to buy exactly what you are selling or offer beneficial advice to someone who was not able to see it from your point of view, it immediately amps up your value meter. History has a long list of people, who have created, invented, uncovered and discovered many solutions to problems faced in the past, carried into the present and the future. These people provided solutions that have made them incredibly valuable to society till today. Value is found when you solve a problem, so stand apart- your unique gift is your value to a generation riddled with problems waiting to be solved.

  • Solving A Problem Brings Wealth

Wealth and money are ultimately our driving motivation in life. “What’s in it for me” may not be what we often say, but it’s often what we think. There is absolutely nothing wrong with earning a living and making a profit from your skillset, however sharing what hinders your success is when that becomes your motivating factor. It does not matter how much money you have, it will never be enough, so rather put the focus on finding purpose and value in the solutions to the problems presented. Do not look for money, money comes from finding solutions. So, harness your gift and watch the wealth follow. Your solution makes you valuable, and value brings wealth.

  • Solving A Problem Brings Fulfillment

It is a lot easier to accomplish victory or greatness without the trials and difficulties that often come with them, but what would the success story be if it were easily attained. Let us not be quick to discount a problem, it is a ticket to our greatness. When we embrace our difficulties, we develop a harder resolve, ready to tackle any challenge we may face in the future.

We are remembered for the things we overcome and not the ones we ran away from. Overcomers are resilient and resilience is admirable so face what life throws at you head on, with the confidence of knowing that you will become a problem solver.

If you want to be great look for problems to solve!

Drop in next week as we continue our search in discovering a purpose filled life.

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