Invaluable Grace- Kingdom Image
Something for everyone

A Little Truly Goes A Long Way


Welcome back to this week’s agenda.

Last week I shared my family’s journey through the COVID-19 pandemic.  How this trying period motivated a turning point for our lives that led to the development for a passion in community service. This passion inspired an agenda focused on the wellbeing and best interests of others.

The Father’s table initiative was such a humbling and fulfilling experience. We Just knew that it could not be an isolated initiative and we were inspired to pursue a long-term outreach for various underprivileged establishments in our community.

Celebrating The Cross- Easter With The Children

Celebrating The Cross- Easter With The Children 2021

We were so fulfilled from our Christmas event we had to be a part of another great initiative. As a result, we were led to an Easter fun day for our most vulnerable – the children. Our Easter event focuses on disadvantaged children in our community. We hosted a fun-filled Easter celebration at Leamogetswe Safety Home, an Orphanage based in Atteridgeville in Pretoria West.

The objective of the event is to treat the children to a day filled with stimulating and exciting activities, educate them on the real meaning of Easter, and generate publicity that would promote continued support from the public towards the nominated organisation.

We received a generous amount of donations towards hampers filled with winter garments:

  • winter hat,
  • scarf
  • gloves
  • a bible (children and adult).

We also decided to create party packs with delicious goodies as a treat for the little ones, as well as donations that were directed to the organisation’s operational needs such as:

  • Equipment,
  • food,
  • clothes,
  • consumables.
Party Packs, Décor and Hampers

The day we spent with them may not be able to change their surroundings, but our motivation is to instil joy, hope and love to many such establishments, even if it is just for a day. Let us not discount the positive impact we can bestow on one another even if its just in a day.

If you live in the area, province or region and would love to contribute or be a part of any of our future or ongoing outreaches, please feel free to contact me (get in touch page). If you’re further away and would like to help in other ways, please feel free to get in touch.

Is there any organization in your community that can benefit from your time, skills, or love, even if it’s just for a day? Take some time to get involved and make a difference. A little, goes a long way!

See you next week, I’ll share more ways to give back.

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