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Word To The Wise

Welcome back to another weekly dose of podcast recharge. Knowledge and wisdom gained from shared experiences through discussions on our favorite podcasts.

‘The Law Of Wisdom’

This week we continue with our wisdom series. Previously we unpacked the meaning of Wisdom and the differing concepts of knowledge. We discovered that wisdom is a combination of our life experiences, knowledge, and insight, and that all these concepts contribute to refining our character. We learn a lot from each other and our surroundings, as a result wisdom allows us the skill and judgment to best assimilate and adjust to our life experiences.

I hope you were able to listen in on Tim and Jon last week. They shared valuable input and understanding on wisdom by delving into the 3 books of wisdom from the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job.

If you missed the previous podcast, do not stress, you are more than welcome to refer to my previous post and listen to the intro to our Wisdom series.

Let’s listen to what Tim and Jon have to share with us this week

If you managed to listen through to the end- kudos to you and if not, I have quickly summarised some take away points:

Wisdom in the book of Proverbs:

  • Is portrayed as riddles and parables of the wise – puzzling questions or statements that are either told as stories or posed as questions that require us to apply our minds to solve or fully understand them.
  • Is described as principles and attributes on which the world works.
  • Is an attribute of who God is- God who is all knowing (Omniscience) wisdom is a part of who He is.
  • Is an attribute accessible to human. – Being made in the image and likeness of God, makes wisdom one of our attributes too.
  • Wisdom is like a ‘how to manual’ or self-help book for those looking for the best guidelines through life.
  • Wisdom details and references every topic and scenario of life you could imagine.
  • Wisdom gives us the best blueprints and options to living out these topics and scenarios.
  • Wisdom depicts the Laws on how life tends to work- relationships, everyday life decisions etc.
  • Encourages us not only to have wisdom, but it is important to apply and live out these guidelines daily.
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