Deep Dive,  Purpose Bound

Lend A Helping Hand

Kindness matters. Cliché, but true. Kindness matters. Acts of kindness are possibly the easiest and most beneficial ways to find mental healing. It costs us nothing to extend generosity, if anything we gain more than we can possibly imagine. As part of my mental health journey, I am realizing the importance of giving back and helping others, not because I can benefit from it, but because it’s so rewarding to the mind and soul, knowing you’ve impacted someone’s life in a positive way.

Studies have found that acts of kindness are linked to increased feelings of well-being. Doing something nice for someone releases a feel-good hormone (oxytocin) in your brain. That a simple act of kindness can reward our bodies and minds with feel-good chemical substances is mind blowing. This just confirms how vital giving and receiving kindness is for our mental health. That’s why kindness is a beneficial practice and should be something we work into our daily routine, whether in the form of volunteer work, bringing a snack to share with your colleagues at work, or holding the elevator open for someone. There are endless ways to show kindness.

While showing kindness can make a person feel good for a few minutes or hours, repeatedly engaging in acts of kindness can be a powerful tool to enhance our long-term mental health. Is it a wonder that the depression and anxiety statics are climbing rapidly daily? Could it be that we are not receiving or showing enough kindness? Seemingly, the world would be a much better place, if this virtue was prioritized.

I look forward to moments of giving back and extending kindness whenever I am able to. I can honestly say this with the outmost confidence, I’m happier, when I’ve made someone happy too. So, if you are experiencing a mental dip or depressive thoughts are plaguing you, give kindness a try you won’t regret it.

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