Deep Dive,  Purpose Bound

Improve Your Mental Health By Learning Something New!

I wouldn’t call myself book smart, but I definitely love acquiring new knowledge. I was not an A student in school (I hated studying, still do) but reading afforded me the knowledge I would have never received willingly or through dedicated studying. I’ve come to understand that the greatest achievement isn’t in our ability to be top of the class, but rather in our ability to consistently pursue knowledge, through any method possible. Dedication, persistence, consistency and commitment are the result of applying yourself to new information. These values far outweigh the academic motivation and as a result contribute to a healthier and more positive mental state.

Learning doesn’t stop as soon as we’re out of school. Every day is an opportunity to grow our knowledge, if we pay attention and put in a little effort. We’re surrounded by limitless possibilities. Those who commit to lifelong learning, benefit not only be well-rounded but will enjoy the benefits of keeping their brains healthier and fit. When we learn a new skill, our brain processes the information and makes it possible to recall it later. The ability of learning how to solve one kind of problem makes it easier to solve others that are similar.

One major factor into why studying/learning something new can improve your mental health is that it can give you goals to work towards. We feel motivated when we have a goal to work towards, and even more so when we finally achieve it. It gives us a feeling of self worth.

As someone who was not entirely fond of applied studying and knowledge, I now see the benefits of this discipline to my psyche, and I really recommend intentional and consistent learning in all arears of your life.

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