Deep Dive,  Purpose Bound

What I Wish My Friends Knew About My Mental Health Problems? Feelings Fluctuate.

Mental illness is a reality for many individuals. It is incredibly courageous for someone diagnosed with a mental illness to navigate life from the perspective of a fractured mind. Surrounding oneself with people that willingly support and understand your affliction goes a long way in the journey of healing.

Dealing with mental health problems is a work in progress. There are ups and downs, and these dips and rises can happen at any time. Just because someone seems well does not mean that they are well. As difficult as it is for the loved ones to keep up with these fluctuating emotions, it is just as difficult for those who deal with the irregularities and unexpected highs and lows of mental challenges.

There is nothing more jarring than feeling one way and having one small thing trigger a rollercoaster of negative emotions that just take you down a very bad rabbit hole. It may seem like one is being dramatic or just overly sensitive from the other side, but the intensity of these emotional experiences is so immense, it is almost often beyond control, reason, or comprehension.

As part of my mental health journey, I’ve come to learn the importance of communicating more effectively when I feel an emotional episode approaching, especially when those close to me are in the dark. Its not often easy to think rationally in a vulnerable state of mind, but clear and constant communication goes a long way in maintaining the support that I value and need daily. I encourage you to do the same.

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