Deep Dive,  Purpose Bound,  Something for everyone

In The Meantime

Have you ever known something is meant to be yours with the outmost certainty. That you are meant to accomplish something, be somewhere and possess a specific thing. A particular desire that you have wanted for what feels like forever, but this specific thing or multiple things still eludes you? Well, I have! I feel like I have been waiting for so many things to come to pass but I am just either too late or too early. The result of this impunctuality is of course frustration and hopelessness, to the point of almost giving up!

However, after many’ failed throwing in the towel’, attempts I am still waiting. Not because I have redirected my focus or lowered my expectations but rather, I am learning to rely on the One who controls, creates and lives outside of time. Knowing God is far more organized, precise, and punctual than I could ever try and be on my best day, is a comfort that settles me. Not only does He control time, but He has found a winning formula for us to use while impatiently waiting….and it’s called the Meantime.

I have recently discovered that every good desire that we have comes from somewhere. It is not a coincidence that we live life attracted to specific places, hobbies, people, aspirations etc. We wouldn’t know to like or want something if it wasn’t intentionally placed within in us, so that brings me to my next point, why place a specific dream within us if we were never meant to attain it? Why would God go through all the trouble of allowing you to love something so much just so you never receive or step into it? Don’t get me wrong not all desires are godly but the way to recognize if this is something that God has given you is if this desire persists. If it just won’t go away. Not only does it not go away but when you think about claiming it, it just makes sense, it fits with who you are and where you see yourself being. If this is how you feel about a particular desire, dream, or aspiration then this my friend is a godly desire.

So, if it’s from God why should we wait you ask? Well, our Creator is a very intentional God. Everything God does or allows is intentionally orchestrated for our benefit. It’s a very confusing truth to acknowledge at times but that is simply who He is. Once you truly get to know Him and draw closer to Him, you will learn to see that God’s motive is only ever love. He loves us so much and is invested in our wellbeing, He always moves us toward the best possible outcome for our lives, however painful or lengthy it may be. Once you are settled in this truth then the waiting begins to make a little more sense. You begin to see intention, protection, growth, and discipline instead of negativity, hopelessness, and failure.

Still waiting…, well stay the course. It’s in the waiting that you discover so much more about your Maker and yourself. It’s in the waiting that skills and character are refined, and ambition is realised. It’s in the waiting where we prepare for what is already ours. Overnight success is not worthwhile, cultivated discipline is. Whether its your desire to get married, become a business mogul, be a mom etc. If this is your biggest aspiration it will happen! Not because you ‘manifest’ it into being but because the Sovereign God of creation has already predestined our lives. Every day is accounted for, past, present, and future We just merely step into the plan God has already made, one meantime at a time. We are a much closer to achieving them daily.

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