Temple Fitness

Small Choices & Decisions, Contribute To BIG Changes

I started 2023 like most of us usually do; determined to set goals and make better health choices. We all know about new year resolutions,  and being driven to start the year with a motivated and disciplined mindset. We are usually really committed for a month or two, then slide back into our usual habits…no? just me? Well then, let me speak for myself lol.

Personally, the first two months of a new year are my fad months – I go hard with a commitment and resolution for a period, just to lose interest as quickly as I started, then give up all together. It wasn’t until I started CONSIOUSLY doing things differently, that my view on resolutions changed drastically! This week I would like to discuss the importance of making the RIGHT choices at the RIGHT time, in order to become the people we want to be in the FUTURE.

Seeking To Find

I have always struggled with accepting my body shape. For the longest time have had varying degrees of self-image issues, that have really messed with my confidence. I have been on many crash diets, exercise regiments and followed all the latest ‘lose weight quick’ trends that circulate, in the hopes that one would eventually stick. Naturally, none ever lasted long enough for visible, permanent results- hence the annual resolution to do better.

I wondered to myself, if the efforts I made to lose weight are not working, perhaps it’s best for me to admit defeat, and just be happy and content with the way I look, and stop trying to change myself?  I kept telling myself that the culture is big on ‘body positivity’, all sizes are beautiful, but I simply couldn’t accept that ideology because deep down, I had a relentless desire to look and feel healthier regardless of the status quo.

So, after continuously slamming into the same wall, I conceded. After many years of trying to lead a healthier lifestyle and addressing my self-image issues in my own strength, I surrendered the desire to God in prayer. I asked God to help me understand the root of my inability to find victory in this area of my life, and how best to address and deal with it, and this was His response.


A famous quote by Gary Renard says “ Your future is being determined by you right now , depending on the choices you make”. That’s a profound statement, yet not one that most of us have really meditated on in relation to our past choices. As cliché as this may sound, we are indeed a reflection of our choices. We don’t like to hear or admit this to be true, because it’s easier to blame people and circumstances for the outcome of our lives. 

Understanding the gravity of this statement highlights the importance of not making impulsive and ill-advised decisions, especially when they have a direct impact to our future. Coming to this understanding helped changed the perspective I had regarding weight loss.

I realized that my dissatisfaction with my current weight, had been as a result of lifelong habits and choices. I made the choice to be ill-disciplined. I lacked the discipline to maintain healthy eating habits and incorporate physical exercise into my daily routine. If I had made better choices from an early age by prioritizing a healthier lifestyle, I’d be more satisfied with body image in the future.


So yes, I asked, and God answered. He didn’t answer me in the way I had anticipated (never in that way really) but far better than I could have ever imagined. By showing me the importance of good decision making in the present, God assisted me in making better health choices. God is also cultivating an even better character within me through discipline and consistency, which are all so very essential in setting and achieving goals that will impact my future. I may not see the results as quickly as I want to in the present, but my future self is surely going to be proud of me for going the distance in making better choices.

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